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Less than 500 tickets remain for the Cathay/HSBC Hong Kong Sevens 2024

Event sellout expected within the next 24 hours

[香港,2024年4月2日]:香港國際七人欖球賽主辦單位中國香港欖總會(欖總)宣佈,本周末的賽事將迎接疫情以來首次門票售罄。總數40,000 張門票現已售出逾39,500 張,預計在未來24小時內,所有門票將悉數售罄。


欖總主席蒲敬思(Chris Brooke)表示:「中國香港欖球總會很高興再度迎接數以千計的本地球迷及遊客,歡迎大家參加國泰/滙豐香港國際七人欖球賽2024。」





今年香港國際七人欖球賽的娛樂節目包羅萬有,陣容包括牙買加「雷鬼樂隊」The Wailers、美國殿堂樂隊Journey主音Arnel Pineda、前英格蘭國腳和愛爾蘭雄獅隊球星James Haskell,他退役後成為DJ,將重返香港大球場與眾同樂,而香港代表有「小巨肺」之稱的譚芷昀(Celine)和新晉女團Lolly Talk;大會收到最新消息,來自台灣的人氣啦啦隊「樂天女孩」落實派出八位成員首度現身萬眾期待的「國泰/滙豐香港國際七人欖球賽2024」,為比賽增添歡樂氣氛。


球迷們若仍想參與4 月 5 日至 7 日舉行的「國泰/匯豐香港國際七人欖球賽2024」,留下美好回憶,這是最後機會:購票請至官方網站。

在國泰/滙豐香港國際七人欖球賽開鑼前,傳統的「瘋狂欖球周」活動亦載譽而歸,除精彩絕倫的香港足球會十人欖球賽,更伴隨超過20場早餐、早午餐、午宴 、酒會及晚宴活動,以及由領事館、商會、學會,以及本地欖球球會籌辦的各個峰會。歷史悠久的香港足球會十人欖球賽及九龍欖球節十人欖球賽均於「香港國際七人欖球賽」周五開賽前進行。 今年,中國香港欖球總會與「香港品牌」合作舉辦「香港體育與可持續發展峰會」(4月3日,星期三);另欖總也與港怡醫院合作舉辦「2024香港國際體育與急症醫學研討會」(4月3及4日,星期三及四)。Branded 與香港賽馬會和中國欖球欖球總會攜手合作,在 4 月 5 日(星期五),在標誌性的國泰滙豐香港國際七人欖球賽前夕,將 Sports Matters 帶到香港。



「國泰/滙豐香港國際七人欖球賽 2024」很高興成為一項「M」品牌認可活動,協助提升香港作為亞洲體育盛事之都的形象。獲大型體育活動事務委員會頒發的「M」品牌,標誌著緊張、精彩、刺激的大型體育活動。

資料來源 : Elite Step Asia Limited / Hong Kong China Rugby

[Hong Kong, 2 April 2024]:  Befitting of its 30th anniversary at Hong Kong Stadium, Hong Kong Sevens organisers Hong Kong China Rugby (HKCR) have confirmed today that this weekend’s event will be a first sellout since the pandemic. More than 39,500 of the 40,000 available tickets have been sold, with all remaining tickets expected to be snapped up by fans within the next 24 hours, as the tournament and the city returns to its tourist-pleasing best.


Mr Chris Brooke, Chairman of Hong Kong China Rugby (HKCR) said: “Hong Kong China Rugby is delighted to once again welcome thousands of local fans and visitors from across the region and the rugby world back to the city for the Cathay/HSBC Hong Kong Sevens 2024. “


This year’s event has seen a renewed interest amongst international visitors, with current overseas ticket sales returning to over 40% of totals in 2024, supported by strong uptake from the UK, Australia and Fiji. This figure is up from just 23% in 2023 and 3% in 2022 during the pandemic.


“This is a very special year for the tournament as we mark three decades inside the Hong Kong Stadium, and we are overwhelmed at the response of the fans to this milestone year and hopeful of recording our first full house since the pandemic. With the rugby as riveting as ever, Hong Kong is set to once again thrill the 120,000 visitors over the coming three days with another weekend of world-class rugby revelry” Brooke continued. 


This year’s entertainment and music line-up includes reggae legends The Wailers, Journey’s Arnel Pineda, DJ James Haskell – the former England international and British & Irish Lions star – Hong Kong singing sensation Celine Tam and emerging all-female Cantopop group, Lolly Talk. It has also just been confirmed that Taiwanese cheerleading squad, the Rakuten Girls, will also send a team of eight to make a highly anticipated tournament debut.


This is the last chance for fans to secure tickets and make incredible memories at the Cathay/HSBC Hong Kong Sevens 2024, from 5-7 April. All remaining tickets are available via the official website at


The traditional Sevens Week of activities is already well underway, playing host to more than 20 breakfasts, brunches, lunches, drinks and dinner functions – as well as summits organised by consulates, chambers of commerce, societies and, of course, local rugby clubs. The Tradition Hong Kong Football Club 10s and Kowloon RugbyFest 10s Tournaments will both play out before Friday’s Sevens kick-off. This year, HKCR has partnered with Brand Hong Kong to deliver The Hong Kong Sport & Sustainability Summit (Wednesday 3 April), while HKCR will also host the International Sports and Emergency Medicine Symposium together with Gleneagles Hospital (Wednesday 3 and Thursday 4 April). Branded, in association with The Hong Kong Jockey Club and Hong Kong China Rugby, is excited to bring Sports Matters to Hong Kong on the eve of the iconic Cathay/HSBC Hong Kong Sevens, on Friday 5 April. 


Today, Hong Kong China Rugby also announced that they have surpassed an incredible 300,000 followers across their social media platforms. To mark the occasion – and express gratitude to fans around the world for supporting the Hong Kong Sevens – a dazzling dragon artwork was created in lights against the iconic stadium backdrop by a Chinese light painting artist, former China National team player and former Japan Top League Player, Roy Wang. The display was supported by YIU, Kam Shing and LEE, Ka To Cado (both named in Hong Kong China’s Melrose Claymores men’s sevens squad) alongside Hong Kong China women’s sevens player Melody Li Nim-Yan.

The Cathay/HSBC Hong Kong Sevens is proud of being an “M” Mark event that helps enhance the image of Hong Kong as Asia’s sports event capital. The “M” Mark awarded by the Major Sports Events Committee, symbolising intense, spectacular and signature event in the territory sports calendar.

Information and Photo source : Elite Step Asia Limited / Hong Kong China Rugby


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