中銀香港冠名贊助 2024 年 ATP 男子職業網球巡迴賽 BOCHK named title sponsor of ATP men's professional tennis tour event
[ 2023 年 8 月 22 日,香港 ] 中國香港網球總會(「網總」)與中國銀行(香港)(「中銀香港」)今日聯合宣佈,中銀香港冠名贊助由職業網球聯合會(「ATP」)於 2024 年在香港舉辦的國際男子職業網球巡迴賽,賽事現命名為「中銀香港網球公開賽 2024」。

「中銀香港網球公開賽 2024」將於 2023 年 12 月 31 日至 2024 年 1 月 7 日假維多利亞公園網球主場舉行。這次萬眾期待的賽事是香港自 2002 年以來再次舉辦的 ATP 巡迴賽,為 250 級別賽事,共設 28 個單打席位,獎金總額超過 65 萬美元。
中國香港網球總會會長莫君逸表示:「我們非常感謝中銀香港的支持,讓香港在暌違 21 年後得以再次舉辦 ATP 賽事,以鞏固香港作為世界級體育盛事之都的地位。我們現正與香港特別行政區政府緊密合作,致力宣傳香港充滿活力的形象,以推動香港旅遊業的發展。此項賽事體現了我們對發掘本 地有潛質的球手、推動精英運動員發展,以及推廣網球運動至社會各階層的承諾,亦為培養社區體育文化提供一個最佳平台。」
中銀香港網球公開賽督導委員會主席周維正指出:「憑著多年以來在港舉辦了多個國際職業網球賽的成功經驗,我們已整裝待發,準備好在香港再次舉辦一場令球迷樂而忘返、精彩矚目的 ATP 國際 男子職業網球賽事。我們期待為參賽球員和球迷們帶來一個超乎預期的驚喜體驗,以及將市民對網球的熱情推至高峰。」
中銀香港副董事長兼總裁孫煜表示:「中銀香港一直支持香港體育運動發展,今次很榮幸能夠與網總合作,再次讓ATP此項大型國際體壇盛事與香港連繫起來,以提升香港作為世界級活力之都的形 象。我們期待透過『中銀香港網球公開賽2024』,助力推動香港發展可持續的大型體育活動,同時讓球迷得以觀賞高水平的專業賽事,以運動連繫社會大眾,促進社會的凝聚力及共融發展。」
圖片說明: 圖片 1: 中國香港網球總會與中銀香港攜手合作, 讓香港在暌違 21 年後得以再次舉辦 ATP 男子職業網球巡迴賽。
(22 August 2023, HONG KONG) The Hong Kong, China Tennis Association (“HKCTA”) and Bank of China (Hong Kong) (“BOCHK”) jointly announced today that BOCHK will become the title sponsor of the ATP international men's professional tennis tour event to be held in Hong Kong in 2024. The tournament will be named Bank of China Hong Kong Tennis Open 2024 (“BOCHKTO 2024”).
The BOCHKTO 2024 will take place from 31 December 2023 to 7 January 2024 at Victoria Park Tennis Stadium. This highly anticipated event will mark the long-awaited return of the ATP Tour to the city for the first time since 2002. As an ATP 250 level tournament, it will feature a 28-player singles draw and present a total prize money pool exceeding US$650,000.
Philip Mok, President of HKCTA commented: “We are thankful for BOCHK’s support in enabling us to stage an ATP Tour event again in Hong Kong after 21 years, which will further solidify the city’s position as a premier destination for world-class sporting events. We are working closely with the HKSAR Government to promote the vibrant image of Hong Kong and to foster tourism in our city. This tournament not only demonstrates our commitment in nurturing local talent, advancing elite player development, and promoting tennis at all levels, but also provides a perfect platform for cultivating sports culture in the community.”
Oscar Chow, Chairman of the BOCHKTO Steering Committee added: "With the experience of having organised many international and professional tennis tournaments in Hong Kong over the years, we are primed and eager to stage once again an exceptional ATP men's professional tennis tournament that will captivate visiting players and fans alike worldwide. We look forward to delivering a lasting impression that will take the region's interests and the popularity of tennis to new heights.”
Sun Yu, Vice Chairman and Chief Executive of BOCHK said: "BOCHK has always been a strong supporter of sports development in Hong Kong. We are proud to partner with HKCTA to connect the ATP Tour, a major international sporting event, with Hong Kong once again, further bolstering the dynamic image of this world- class city. By sponsoring the Bank of China Hong Kong Tennis Open 2024, we aim to promote the sustainable development of mega sports events in the city and provide tennis enthusiasts with the opportunity to relish top-tier professional competition. Through sports, we strive to bring people together, fostering social cohesion and inclusive development in our community."
Further details of the tournament, including ticketing details, will be announced at a later date.
Photo Caption: Photo 1: HKCTA and BOCHK are joining hands to host an ATP Tour event in Hong Kong again after 21 years.
Information and Photo source : The Fox Creation / BOC Hong Kong Tennis Open