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加拿大球手費蘭迪絲奮戰仙妮雅高娃 勇奪「保誠香港網球公開賽2023」女單桂冠

Canada’s Leylah Fernandez battles to

Prudential Hong Kong Tennis Open 2023 singles crown

(2023年10月15日,香港)「保誠香港網球公開賽2023」單打決賽由現時世界排名世界排名第60位的費蘭迪絲(Leylah Fernandez)碰上世界排名第85位的仙妮雅高娃(Katerina Siniakova),在經歷超過兩小時的激烈對戰後,費蘭迪絲以3-6,6-4,6-4取勝。仙妮雅高娃先贏取第一盤;費蘭迪絲在第二盤率先把握兩個破發分,以4-0領先,但仙妮雅高娃頑強應戰,讓費蘭迪絲必須全力以赴,才取得6-4拿下第二盤賽事;仙妮雅高娃雖然兩度因傷暫停比賽,仍𡚒力堅持完成第三盤賽事。


圖片說明 :



圖三:一眾嘉賓,包括:文化體育及旅遊局局長楊潤雄, GBS, JP(左七),保誠執行總裁華康堯先生(左四),保誠集團戰略事業群總裁吳立賢女士(左五),保誠保險行政總裁林智剛先生(左二),中國香港網球總會會長莫君逸先生(左八),保誠香港網球公開賽2023督導委員會主席周維正先生(左九),及中國香港網球總會義務秘書鄭明哲先生(左一),與 「保誠香港網球公開賽2023」女單冠軍及亞軍合影留念。



(15 October 2023, Hong Kong) World No. 60 Leylah Fernandez and World No.85 Katerina Siniakova gave it their all in the Prudential Hong Kong Tennis Open 2023 singles final over a highly competitive and thrilling 2 hours 49 minutes, with Fernandez finally prevailing over a valiant Katerina Siniakova to win a final for the ages 3-6 6-4 6-4.

Fernandez said, “A special thank you to all the Hong Kong fans, coming out to watch women's tennis all week, the atmosphere was amazing. I want to congratulate Katerina on a wonderful tournament. I'm sure we will play many more matches in the future. Thank you to the HKCTA, the sponsors, the ballboys, and the hitters for all their hard work in order to make this happen after an absence of four years. Lastly, I want to thank my team for sticking by me through some tough times the past two years. I wouldn't be here without your support and encouragement."

Photo Caption :

Photo 1: Prudential Hong Kong Tennis Open 2023 Singles Champion Leylah Fernandez captured her first title in Hong Kong.

Photo 2: Prudential Hong Kong Tennis Open 2023 Singles Runner-Up Katerina Siniakova with Mr. Anil Wadhwani, Chief Executive Officer, Prudential plc.

Photo 3: (From left to right) Guests of Honour: Mr. Michael Cheng, Hon. Secretary of Hong Kong, China Tennis Association; Mr. Lawrence Lam, Chief Executive Officer, Prudential Hong Kong; Ms. Lilian Ng, Managing Director, Strategic Business Group, Prudential plc; Mr. Anil Wadhwani, Chief Executive Officer, Prudential plc; Mr. Kevin Yeung, GBS, JP, Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism; Mr. Philip Mok, President of Hong Kong, China Tennis Association; and Mr. Oscar Chow, Chairman of Prudential Hong Kong Tennis Open 2023 Steering Committee, joined the group picture with the PHKTO 2023 Singles Champion Leylah Fernandez and Runner-Up Katerina Siniakova.

Photo 4: Despite receiving medical timeouts for a leg injury, Katerina Siniakova battled hard to the end of the three-set contest.

Photo 5: Leylah Fernandez thanked Katerina Siniakova for making it an unforgettable finals match.

Information and photo source : The Fox Creation / Hong Kong Tennis Open


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