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期待已久「我們的七欖」 11月正式上演 ‘Our Hong Kong Sevens’ set for long-awaited kick-off in November

[2022年9月23日,香港]: 香港欖球總會(欖總)於香港商業核心區的香港金融大會堂為2022年「國泰航空/滙豐香港國際七人欖球賽」敲響銅鑼,意味著這全球最佳的七人欖球賽正式回歸。

賽事抽籤結果今天亦隨著香港商界代表人物敲響銅鑼而公佈,包括香港特別行政區政府財政司司長陳茂波先生、賽事聯合冠名贊助商國泰航空行政總裁鄧健榮先生和滙豐香港區行政總裁林慧虹女士。場地贊助香港交易所集團行政總裁歐冠昇先生(Nicolas Aguzin)及香港欖球總會主席蒲敬思先生(Chris Brooke)亦有參與儀式。

面對疫情防控期間的各種變數,陳茂波司長一直支持「香港國際七人欖球賽」盡可能復辦,他在儀式上親手敲響銅鑼,同時為周五的香港股市收市和11月的「七欖」開市。 這象徵「七欖」不僅是本港商界出盡渾身解數展示實力的活動之一(廂房間的競爭幾乎與球場上一樣激烈),也是被公認為香港最娛樂性的一個周末。



在香港特別行政區政府、國際欖球理事會(World Rugby)、賽事聯合冠名贊助商國泰航空和滙豐的支持下,這是「香港國際七人欖球賽」自2019年以來,首次在全球新冠疫情出現後舉行。以「我們的七欖」為主題的2022年賽事無疑是香港和全球欖球族群久別重逢的時刻。



「欖球需要絕對的團隊合作、堅毅的精神,以及有著追求成功的共同目標—— 這些都是在這個時期支撐著整個欖總的特質。欖球也教會了我們如何積極面對失敗,從經驗中學習並重新開始。現在,我們依然屹立不倒,我也很自豪地說,今年11月『七欖』又回到香港了!」







「今年,滙豐更首次將欖球運動帶入元宇宙。由10月中至11月中,我們將在The Sandbox構建一個虛擬體育舘,讓大衆通過互動遊戲感受欖球運動的樂趣。我們非常期待這項無可比擬的盛事重臨香港。」


欖總行政總裁麥偉彬先生(Robbie McRobbie)於儀式前向出席傳媒分享賽事詳情和最新措施。因健康和安全考量,大球場的入座上限為百分之85,亦即是逾3萬名球迷可於11月入場觀賽。欖總會執行所有屆時的防疫措施和已獲相關部門批准的活動計劃。


欖總已為參賽隊伍和工作人員預訂專用酒店單人房,每隊留港期間亦有專車接送和指定訓練場地。 隊伍隔離和全面的新冠病毒檢測和監察亦會於賽事期間落實執行。





逾16,500 張門票於獨家預售期內獲本地欖球會會員及其他賽事持份者認購。訂閱「七欖電子報」的人士可於9月28日享有24小時優先購票權。公開發售將於9月29日開始於欖總官方售票網站進行。





香港隊主帥莊保羅(Paul John)說:「賽事經過幾番延期及取消後,我們希望球員能夠真切地享受出戰『香港國際七人欖球賽』,並以此體驗為樂。三年過後,球迷們必定熱切期待,我們希望球員也樂在其中。」


7 個月內兩場「七欖」



圖片 1: (左至右)香港男子七人欖球代表隊成員姚錦成、李卡度、拜恩( Seb Brien) 和香港男子七人欖球代表隊主教練莊保羅(Paul John)歡迎 2022 年「國泰航空/滙豐 香港國際七人欖球賽」在 11 月載譽歸來。

圖片 2: 香港特別行政區政府財政司司長陳茂波先生於香港金融大會堂為 2022 年「國泰 航空/滙豐香港國際七人欖球賽」致辭。

圖片3: (左至右) 香港欖球總會主席蒲敬思先生(Chris Brooke)、香港男子七人欖球代表隊成員李卡度先生、滙豐香港區行政總裁林慧虹女士、香港男子七人欖球代表隊成員姚錦成先生、香港特別行政區政府財政司司長陳茂波先生、國泰航空行政總裁鄧健榮先生和香港交易所集團行政總裁歐冠昇先生(Nicolas Aguzin)今日在香港金融大會堂敲響銅鑼,為 2022 年「國泰航空/滙豐香港國際七人欖球賽」揭開序幕。

圖片 4: (左至右) 香港欖球總會主席蒲敬思先生(Chris Brooke)、香港欖球總會行政總 裁麥偉彬先生(Robbie McRobbie)、滙豐香港區行政總裁林慧虹女士、香港男子七人欖球代表隊成員姚錦成先生、香港特別行政區政府財政司司長陳茂波先生、香港男子七人欖球代表隊成員李卡度先生、國泰航空行政總裁鄧健榮先生和香港交易所集團行政總裁歐冠昇先生(Nicolas Aguzin)今日一同慶祝 2022 年「國泰航空/滙豐香港 國際七人欖球賽」將於 11 月 4 日至 6 日上演。

圖片 5: 2022 年「國泰航空/滙豐香港 國際七人欖球賽」分組結果

其他圖片 : 2019 年「國泰航空/滙豐香港 國際七人欖球賽」比賽圖輯

資料及相片來源 : Elite Step Asia Limited / Hong Kong Rugby Union

[Hong Kong; 23 Sept. 2022]: The 2022 Cathay Pacific/HSBC Hong Kong Sevens was launched in the heart of the city’s central business district at the HKEX Connect Hall, as the Hong Kong Rugby Union signals that the world’s best rugby sevens tournament is back in business.

The tournament draw was also revealed today with Hong Kong’s corporate icons lining up to strike the gong for the Sevens with guest of honour Mr Paul Chan Mo-po, Financial Secretary of the Hong Kong Government, joining Mr Augustus Tang, CEO of Cathay Pacific Airways and Ms Luanne Lim, CEO, Hong Kong, HSBC, co-title sponsors. Mr Nicolas Aguzin, CEO of venue sponsor Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited, was also on hand for the proceedings along with newly elected Chairman of the Hong Kong Rugby Union (HKRU) Mr Chris Brooke.

Mr Chan, one of the Sevens’ most steadfast supporters throughout the pandemic enforced closures, had the honour of physically striking the gong to close Hong Kong market trading on Friday and officially open Sevens season in the city. The symbolism is apropos, with the Sevens not just one of the city’s most visible displays of corporate prowess, (competition in the corporate suites and boxes is almost as fierce as it is on the pitch), but also widely acknowledged as Hong Kong’s most entertaining weekend.

“The Hong Kong Sevens and business have been an inseparable pair, famously intertwined, for decades. The return of the Sevens means business is returning too. My colleagues throughout the Government are working with HKRU to relaunch sporting events – despite the unprecedented challenges brought about by the pandemic,” said the Financial Secretary.

“The momentum will keep on building. Today’s “Gong Striking” makes that clear. Hong Kong is poised to re-embrace the world, and a world of rewarding connections – in business, sports, entertainment and whatever else you have to offer. See you at the Sevens,” added Mr Chan.

With the support of the Hong Kong Government, World Rugby and co-title sponsors Cathay Pacific and HSBC, the Hong Kong Sevens is proceeding for the first time since 2019 after the emergence of the global Covid-19 pandemic. Themed ‘Our HK7s’, the 2022 event promises a long-awaited reunion of Hong Kong and the world’s rugby clans.

“As the newly elected Chair of the HKRU; a resident of this incredible city for over 40 years; and a lifelong rugby player and fan, I am both very delighted and very relieved to mark the kick off the 2022 Cathay Pacific / HSBC Hong Kong Sevens,” said Chris Brooke at the launch.

“Since the last time we gathered to celebrate a Sevens, the world has changed and the HKRU has been faced with many challenges. We are fortunate to have been able to take solace in the strength of our community at home and the support of friends of the Hong Kong Sevens around the world in this time.

“Rugby demands absolute teamwork, resilience, and a shared vision for success and these traits have sustained us as an organization. Rugby also teaches you how to take a knock, and get up and back in the game. Well, we are still standing, and I am proud to say that this November the game is getting back to Hong Kong,” he added.

Mr Brooke especially welcomed the contribution of the Financial Secretary, saying: “The Financial Secretary’s support has been instrumental in making November a long-awaited reality for our community.”

He also thanked Augustus Tang and Luanne Lim, chief executives of co-title sponsors HSBC and Cathay Pacific respectively, for their patronage saying: “The presence of such senior representatives is emblematic of the support that Cathay Pacific and HSBC have given the Sevens throughout the decades.”

The event’s co-title sponsors once again demonstrated that fulsome support.

Cathay Pacific Chief Executive Officer Augustus Tang said: “For more than 40 years, Cathay Pacific has sponsored the Hong Kong Sevens, supporting its evolution into an internationally renowned sporting event. We are delighted to be doing so once again.

“Hong Kong has deservedly earned its reputation as a fantastic destination to hold world-class mega events, and we are proud to continue to support such incredible occasions, which strengthen our home city’s position on the global map.”

Luanne Lim, Chief Executive, Hong Kong, HSBC, said, “It is a privilege for HSBC to co-title sponsor the Hong Kong Sevens, which has a very special place in HSBC’s corporate calendar. Its roots are in Hong Kong, as are ours.

“This year, for the first time, HSBC will bring rugby into the metaverse. Between mid-October and the end of November, we will be staging a virtual stadium in The Sandbox, allowing the public to immerse themselves in rugby through games and quizzes.

“There is no Sevens like the Hong Kong Sevens and I look forward to welcoming it home,” she added.

Event details shared with media

Ahead of the ceremony HKRU Chief Executive Mr Robbie McRobbie walked media through a detailed presentation to update the latest event protocols. Over 30,000 fans will be allowed entry in November with stadium capacity capped at 85% due to health and safety measures. The HKRU is complying with all prevailing Covid-19 protocols and the event implementation plan has been approved by the relevant authorities.

The HKRU will enforce a stringent bubble around the participating teams and officials arriving from abroad. This bubble will remain in place through to their departure. The HKRU has reserved hotels exclusively for the teams and officials on a single room basis, with each team also having its own dedicated transport and training venues throughout their stay. Team sequestering and extensive Covid-19 testing and monitoring will be maintained throughout the tournament.

“With over 30 World Rugby sanctioned sevens events held since our last tournament, teams and officials are now well versed in Covid-19 compliance. We are confident to stage the event under the prevailing protocols and are very grateful to the participating athletes and referees, our fellow rugby unions, World Rugby and the government for what has been a true team effort to return us to the international stage,” said McRobbie.

The fan experience will be largely familiar for residents with those entering the stadium required to present their vaccine pass and subject to temperature checks on entry. Numerous sanitizing and hand-washing stations will be in place, and regular public address announcements and big screen messaging will be aired to help fans comply with in-stadium requirements.

The show will go on with three days of the world’s best sevens thrilling crowds seated in groups of 8 or less, and that can enjoy in-seat beverage service, live music and entertainment, and what should be some spectacular costumes with fans having had three years to prepare.

Public Ticketing Opens on 29 September

Over 16,500 tickets have been sold during the exclusive pre-sales period for members of local rugby clubs and other stakeholders. Subscribers to the HK Sevens newsletter will also receive 24-hour early access to ticket sales on 28 September. General public sales will begin from 29 September with tickets retailed via the official HKRU Ticketing Platform at

Prices are frozen at 2019 levels of HK$1,950 for a three-day adult pass and HK$950 for a three-day child’s pass. More details on ticketing will be announced shortly.

World’s best set for Hong Kong

Fans are expected to give a rousing welcome to all 15 participating teams on the current HSBC World Rugby Sevens Series in November: defending Series champions Australia, 2019 Hong Kong winners Fiji, New Zealand, South Africa, Great Britain, Ireland, France, Spain, USA, Canada, Argentina, Uruguay, Japan, Kenya and Samoa.

Hosts and reigning Asia Rugby Sevens champions and Asian Games sevens gold medallists Hong Kong make up the 16th participating team. The only cloud on the landscape for the HKRU today was the revelation of the tournament draw, with Hong Kong in the group of death alongside Australia, New Zealand and Samoa.

“Playing in the Hong Kong Sevens is something we want the players to really enjoy and just take in the experience, especially after such a long hiatus. After three years the fans are going to really love it and we want the boys to relish the occasion,” said Hong Kong Sevens Head Coach Paul John.

“As the invited team this year, we are not expected to win - although that is certainly our target, but we can enter the event really loose, knowing that we have nothing to lose. Playing against three of the best teams in the world in our pool is a great challenge and a perfect opportunity for us to go out and show them how we play sevens here and why Hong Kong is the best place in the world to play sevens,” added John.

7 months of 7s

After three years without a Sevens, fans go from famine to feast in the coming seven months with the 2022 Cathay Pacific/HSBC Hong Kong Sevens in November enjoying pride of place as the kick off of the HSBC World Rugby Sevens Series 2022/23, followed by a second series event in Hong Kong in the traditional tournament window in early April.

Photo Captions :

Photo 1: Hong Kong Men’s Sevens squad members (l to r) Salom Yiu Kam-shing, Cado Lee Ka-to, Seb Brien, and Hong Kong Sevens Head Coach Paul John welcome the return of the Cathay Pacific/HSBC Hong Kong Sevens 2022 this November.

Photo 2: Financial Secretary of Hong Kong Government Mr Paul Chan Mo-po addresses the crowd at today’s 2022 Cathay Pacific/HSBC Hong Kong Sevens today at HKEX Connect Hall in Central.

Photo 3: Ring the bell for Rugby: Hong Kong’s corporate icons and men’s sevens squad players joined Financial Secretary of Hong Kong Government Mr Paul Chan Mo-po (5th from left) to bang the gong for the return of the Cathay Pacific/HSBC Hong Kong Sevens in November. (L to R): HKRU Chairman Chris Brooke, HK7s player Lee Ka-to, Luanne Lim, CEO, Hong Kong for co-title sponsors HSBC, HK7s player Salom Yiu Kam-shing, Augustus Tang, CEO of Cathay Pacific Airways and Nicolas Aguzin, CEO of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited at today’s media launch of the tournament.

Photo 4: All hands on deck: (L to R) HKRU Chairman Chris Brooke; HKRU CEO Robbie McRobbie; Luanne Lim, Chief Executive Officer, Hong Kong for co-title sponsor HSBC; join HK7s squad member Salom Yiu Kam-shing; Financial Secretary of Hong Kong Government Paul Chan Mo-po, HK7s squad member Lee Ka-to, Augustus Tang CEO of co-title sponsors Cathay Pacific Airways, and Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited CEO Nicolas Aguzin in banging the gong for the Cathay Pacific/HSBC Hong Kong Sevens 2022.

Photo5: Cathay Pacific/HSBC Hong Kong Sevens 2022 Draw Result

Other Photos: Cathay Pacific/HSBC Hong Kong Sevens 2019 photos

Information and Photo Source : Elite Step Asia Limited / Hong Kong Rugby Union


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