賽事因惡劣天氣暫停 「國際都會高爾夫球錦標賽」縮短至54洞 許龍一繼續暫領榜首
World City Championship reduced to 54 holes due to inclement weather

[香港,2023年3月25日] 由香港哥爾夫球會呈獻的「國際都會高爾夫球錦標賽」今日繼續在粉嶺球場展開第三輪賽事,惟賽事舉行至中午因天氣關係中斷,直到下午3時48分賽會正式宣佈賽事將由4輪72洞的比賽減至3輪54洞,並將會在周日(明天)早上8時05分重新啟動餘下賽程,直到54洞產生結果為止。

今天最後一組出發的許龍一在1號洞開出一個完美的發球,剩下120碼左右到旗杆,然後攻上果嶺後距離也打對了,順帶一推便拿下小鳥。 可惜在第三號洞時候他開球打到左邊樹林中,正準備在滿鋪枯葉的樹叢中把球送回球道時,賽會因雷暴關係而鳴笛宣佈賽事暫停。
「國際都會高爾夫球錦標賽」雖然減至54洞,但並不影響賽事的四張參加英國公開賽入場券。亞巡賽賽事總監Chokchai Boonprasert 表示:「經過慎重考慮,我們決定將賽事減至3輪54洞。由於天氣持續不穩加上明天預測也不理想,大雨過後球場範圍,包括沙坑、球道區域等都有積水。餘下的第三輪賽事將會在明天早上8時05分重啟。
目前許龍一暫時領先第二名菲律賓藉球員塔布埃納(Miguel Tabuena)4桿,餘下還有16個洞要完成,雖然仍有領先優勢,但預計明天潮濕的天氣會讓果嶺的硬度與速度減低,球員知道只有最後一輪賽事後,定會更加積極爭奪首屆「國際都會高爾夫球錦標賽」冠軍殊榮,以及英國公開賽的參賽資格,所以明天預計將會有一場龍爭虎鬥,還未完成賽事的63名球員定會在餘下的賽事中施展渾身解數,搶攻粉嶺球場的果嶺。

Taichi Kho’s bid to become the first player from Hong Kong to win an Asian Tour event and qualify for The Open has been temporarily put on hold after organisers announced today that the World City Championship presented by the Hong Kong Golf Club will be reduced to 54 holes.
Lightning and rain stopped today’s third round at 11.48 local time in the morning at the Hong Kong Golf Club and play was unable to restart again as the inclement weather persisted.
Tournament leader Kho was playing the third when the siren halted play. He has a four-shot lead over playing-partner Miguel Tabuena from the Philippines. Kho had started the day with a two-shot advantage but that became five when he made birdie on the first against Tabuena’s double. The Filipino bounced back with a birdie on the following hole.
Only three groups were able to complete their third rounds today, meaning 63 players will recommence tomorrow at 8.05am.
“After careful consideration we have decided to reduce the World City Championship presented by the Hong Kong Golf Club to 54 holes, because of the inclement weather today and the forecast for it to continue tomorrow,” said Chokchai Boonprasert, Tournament Director, Asian Tour.
“The course, including the bunkers and approach areas, were waterlogged, after the heavy downpour. This is obviously unfortunate, and we feel very sorry for all the fans who made the trip here today, but it was the only sensible course of action.
“We are confident we will be able to complete the tournament tomorrow, with the four places in The Open remaining up for grabs.”
Kho only turned professional this year and as well as being a member at the HKGC he is also the venue’s Ambassador.
A gripping final day is expected tomorrow as he attempts to produce one of the greatest performances by a Hong Kong sports person.
Said the 22-year-old rising star: “At the end of the day good golf is good golf. I understand that it’s 18 holes closer to the finish now, but good golf takes care of anything. It’s almost useless to think about the result, or how many holes are left, how many shots I’m ahead, it’s only just a distraction. All I’m focused on is myself, the golf ball and the golf course.”
Korean Yoseop Seo, Thailand’s Jazz Janewattananond and Suradit Yongcharoenchai and New Zealander Michael Hendy are next best placed, six behind Kho having played the opening few holes.
The World City Championship presented by the Hong Kong Golf Club is the first international golf tournament in the Special Administrative Region of China for 38 months.
The tournament also has the honour of being part of The Open Qualifying Series, with the leading four players not otherwise exempt earning a place in The Open at Royal Liverpool Golf Club in July.
Information and Photo source : Elite Step Asia Limited / World City Championship