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香港哥爾夫球會呈獻「國際都會高爾夫球錦標賽」 喜迎賽事列為「英國公開賽」資格賽

World City Championship Presented by Hong Kong Golf Club welcomes The Open Qualifying Series Status

[香港,2023年2月22日] 香港哥爾夫球會呈獻「國際都會高爾夫球錦標賽」,將於3月23日至26日在享譽國際的粉嶺球場內的複合球埸舉行,為香港回歸世界高爾夫球舞台打響第一炮。


「國際都會高爾夫球錦標賽」除了作為亞巡賽站之一,今天更獲The R&A 認可,成為高爾夫球四大滿貫之一「英國公開賽」的資格賽。「英國公開賽」是世界上歷史最悠久的高爾夫球賽之一,於今年7月舉行的賽事將踏入第151屆。「國際都會高爾夫球錦標賽」能夠獲得「英國公開賽」資格賽這項殊榮,將令香港這一最新的世界級球賽成為萬眾期待的大賽。


亞巡賽專員兼行政總裁唐籌民(Cho Minn Thant)表示:「香港一直是亞巡賽其中一個分站,作為賽事場地的香港哥爾夫球會粉嶺球場更是亞洲其中一個最知名的球場。香港站成為『英國公開賽』資格賽,讓球手有機會直接晉身世界歷史最悠久的大滿貫賽事,足證香港在國際高爾夫球賽事中佔有重要席位。參加大滿貫賽事是每一位職業球手夢寐以求的目標,對亞洲球手來說,能夠透過參與『國際都會高爾夫球錦標賽』爭取晉身資格,是他們高球生涯中難得的機會。」

賽事除了讓球手可以問鼎資格賽外,球迷也有收穫,皆因「英國公開賽」冠軍獎盃Claret Jug亦將在「國際都會高爾夫球錦標賽」期間於香港哥爾夫球會限時展出,球迷將有難得的機會,近距離一睹此舉世聞名的獎盃。

呈獻「國際都會高爾夫球錦標賽」的香港哥爾夫球會對賽事能成為「英國公開賽」資格賽表示歡迎。香港哥爾夫球會會長郭永亮表示:「香港哥爾夫球會一向以獨特且豐富的歷史氛圍、自然美景和具挑戰性的粉嶺球場馳名於高球界。我們非常歡迎 The R&A 頒授『英國公開賽』資格賽的殊榮予『國際都會高爾夫球錦標賽』。為了爭奪四張『英國公開賽』的入場券,球手將使出渾身解數,觀眾在粉嶺球場將可欣賞一幕幕精采賽事。」



[Hong Kong, 22 February 2023]: Hong Kong is returning to the world golf stage with the World City Championship Presented by Hong Kong Golf Club from 23-26 March on the renowned composite course at the Hong Kong Golf Club in Fanling.

With a full field of Asian Tour and international stars set to take part, excitement is already mounting for the return of professional golf to Hong Kong for the first time since 2020.

The anticipation at the newest world-class sporting event in the city is building even further after the confirmation by The R&A that the World City Championship has been granted official qualification status for one of golf’s most historic events, the 151st Open Championship in July.

Hong Kong’s active golf community is excited about welcoming the top players in the region and the world to the Hong Kong Golf Club for the World City Championship. Today’s confirmation of qualification status for The Open only adds to the groundswell of excitement locally, and the tournament’s global appeal.

Cho Minn Thant, Commissioner & CEO, Asian Tour, commented on the inclusion saying:

“Hong Kong has always been an integral part of the Asian Tour calendar, with the Hong Kong Golf Club undoubtedly one of Asia's most recognised venues. The inclusion of Hong Kong as an Open Qualifying Series venue with a direct pathway into the world’s oldest Major Championship underscores the importance of Hong Kong on the global golfing calendar. Major Championships are the pinnacle of our sport and competing in them is always high on the list of goals that professional golfers set for themselves. Being able to realize this goal at the World City Championship is amazing for golfers from the region.”

The players will have added incentive in March, while fans will have a rare opportunity to view The Open’s famed Claret Jug which will be on display at the Hong Kong Golf Club throughout tournament week.

Today’s confirmation of qualification status for The Open was welcomed by the presenting sponsor, Hong Kong Golf Club.

“The Hong Kong Golf Club is renowned by players and fans alike for its historic atmosphere, natural beauty, and challenging Fanling golf course, we welcome The R&A’s awarding of the World City Championship with The Open Qualifying Series Status,” said Mr Andy Kwok, Captain at the Hong Kong Golf Club.

“With four places at golf’s original major on offer, Hong Kong galleries can look forward to another top-flight field assembling in Fanling.

“For our part, we look forward to once again hosting the top players in the game, visitors from around the world, and thousands of members of the Hong Kong public, as we open what promises to be a milestone season of international events at the Hong Kong Golf Club in 2023,” Mr Kwok added.

The cavalcade of stars is already underway with two legends of the game set to be announced on 28 February in Hong Kong, along with the latest details on entertainment and ticketing as the World City Championship Presented by Hong Kong Golf Club returns world class golf entertainment to the city.

Information and photo source : Elite Step Asia Limited / World City Championship


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