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YONEX-SUNRISE二零二二香港公開羽毛球錦標賽 滙豐世界羽聯世界巡迴賽超級500 宣告取消

鑒於本港疫情之最近發展,及遵照防疫抗疫安排,經慎重考慮後,香港羽毛球總會(本會)決定取消原定今年11月8至13日舉行的「二零二二YONEX-SUNRISE香港公開羽毛球錦標賽 滙豐世界羽聯世界巡迴賽超級500」。


在此,謹向文化體育及旅遊局、大型體育活動事務委員會、康樂及文化事務署,以及香港廣大市民一直以來對本會的支持,表達謝意,並衷心感謝世界羽毛球聯會、賽事贊助商YONEX-SUNRISE 對此決定的理解。期望2023年香港公開羽毛球錦標賽順利回復正常舉行。

資料及相片來源 : 香港羽毛球總會有限公司

Cancellation of YONEX-SUNRISE Hong Kong Open Badminton Championships 2022 - Part of the HSBC BWF World Tour Super 500

In view of the latest development of COVID-19 in Hong Kong, and in accordance with the anti-epidemic measures, the Hong Kong Badminton Association (HKBA), after thorough consideration, announces its decision to cancel the “YONEX-SUNRISE Hong Kong Open Badminton Championships 2022 - Part of the HSBC BWF World Tour Super 500” scheduled to be held on 8-13 November.

HKBA has been proactively working with Badminton World Federation (BWF) and Government authorities in recent months to strive for the resumption of the Hong Kong Open Badminton Championships in accordance with Government’s anti-epidemic measures. Although the government updated its isolation and quarantine arrangements in early August, over 400 overseas players/officials are required to train and compete for 8 to 10 days in the form of isolation bubble. Since the COVID-19 protocol and quarantine arrangements between Hong Kong and other World Tour events are different, The Board of HKBA regretfully decided that there is no viable option other than to cancel the Hong Kong Open 2022. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused by the cancellation.

HKBA thanks Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau, Major Sports Events Committee, Leisure and Cultural Services Department, and the general public of Hong Kong for their continued support throughout the years. We appreciate BWF and YONEX-SUNRISE, the title sponsor, for their understanding of this decision. We will continue to strive toward our next Hong Kong Open.

Information and Photo Source : Hong Kong Badminton Association


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