Celebrating 10 years of support for the Lao Rugby Federation
This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Hong Kong Rugby Union's support for the Lao Rugby Federation (LRF). Since 2012, this support has enable the LRF to pursue its vision of rugby for all. Over the past decade, the HKRU community has raised funds to support clubs, donated kit, as well as provided coaching support. HKRU also played a key role in supporting the development of the Pass It Back rugby and life skills curriculum, which has now been used by Unions in Asia, Africa and Oceania.
This ongoing financial and technical support has made it possible for Lao players, coaches and administrators to pursue their passion for rugby, and also played a key role in the LRF gaining full membership of World Rugby in 2020. Over the course of the partnership, rugby has expanded significantly in Laos - from just 300 players in 2015 to now more than 3,000 players, despite the challenges of COVID. The LRF has also been recognised internationally for its work to ensure that 50% female participation is demonstrated across the sport at all levels - HKRU’s support has been instrumental in achieving that goal.
HKRU CEO, Robbie McRobbie says that “The Hong Kong Rugby Union is proud to be a part of growing the game of rugby and building a generation of leaders in Laos. HKRU has, and will continue, to support emerging rugby countries as we all build back after COVID. All of us in the HKRU rugby community would like to congratulate the LRF for all of their hard work and progress, and I would like to thank our community for their generous support over the last 10 years”.
Lao Rugby Federation CEO, Viengsamai Souksavanh, highlights the importance of HKRU’s support by sharing that “With support from HKRU and their wider community, Lao Rugby has been able to not only grow the sport we all love, but to make a real difference in the lives of our players, coaches and communities. We look forward to ongoing collaboration and I would like to thank all of those that have supported our work over the last 10 years - you have made a real difference”.
While many individual donors and businesses across the community have made this possible, the support of the following organisations is especially recognised based on their significant, long term contribution:
· DAC Management LLC
· Kowloon Rugby Football Club
· Pot Bellied Pigs
· Hong Kong Football Club
· RedBox
· Tanner De Witt
Information and Photo source : Hong Kong Rugby Union