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[11 日4月 2023] 在國泰/滙豐香港國際七人欖球賽開鑼前,傳統的「瘋狂欖球周」活動同樣載譽而歸,除精彩絕倫的香港足球會十人欖球賽,更伴隨超過20場早餐、早午餐、午宴 、酒會及晚宴活動。這些活動由領事館、商會、學會,以及本地欖球球會籌辦,歡迎來訪的世界系列賽隊伍,並邀請著名嘉賓演講分享——除眾多欖球界傳奇外,還有其他體壇名人濟濟一堂,包括奧運傳奇人物李小鵬、Sir Chris Hoy和Daley Thompson,以及前英格蘭板球隊長Andrew Strauss。

在享用自助餐饗、暢飲啤酒及一片嬉笑戲謔聲中,我們成功籌得令人難以置信的700萬港元,用以支持本港、跨區及國際慈善機構。九龍、香港大學沙灣及香港蘇格蘭人欖球會,以及本地受惠機構包括ImpactHK、Phenomenally Pink、Love21,聯同橄欖成長基金,為香港聾人欖球隊籌募旅費,參加在阿根廷舉辦的世界聾人七人欖球世界盃。而在亞洲其他地方,如斯里蘭卡、印度和菲律賓的年輕人則受惠於華利欖球會午宴與會者的慷慨捐助;女士午宴則為克里斯蒂娜諾布爾兒童基金會(Christina Noble Children’s Foundation)的出色工作籌得善款逾100萬港元。與此同時,今年十人及七人欖球賽的的官方慈善機構勞倫斯體育公益基金會同樣度過忙碌一周,籌募資金以外,更藉活動推廣其以運動作為媒介,幫助解決青年心理健康危機的Model City programme項目。

欖球周內,適值最盛大的單一籌款活動就命名為「世界上最偉大的欖球晚宴」(Greatest Rugby Dinner in the World),在周三晚上,君悅酒店宴會廳座無虛席,為致力研究運動神經細胞疾病治療的My Name'5 Doddie Foundation, 籌集逾300 萬港元的善款。

香港欖球總會行政總裁麥偉彬指; 「香港人非常慷慨,而欖球界別人士尤其熱衷社區參與,及支持公益事業——除我們與香港賽馬會的合作夥伴關係,讓1,500名來自本地慈善機構的年輕人有機會參加香港國際七人欖球賽。能夠見證更多人受惠於瘋狂欖球周,我們為此都感到無比自豪。在此,我亦向所有付出時間和心力接待他們的朋友致敬,他們的善心,為與會者及一些急需支援的人們,帶來愉悅的時光。

[11 Apr 2023] The return of the traditional “Sevens Week” activities in the run up to the Cathay/HSBC Hong Kong Sevens saw not just a fantastic Tradition HKFC 10s tournament but more than 20 breakfasts, brunches, lunches, drinks and dinner functions. Organised by consulates, chambers of commerce, societies, and of course local rugby clubs these events provide an opportunity to welcome the visiting World Series teams and listen to famous guest speakers - alongside a plethora of rugby legends there were also some stars of other sports in town for the festivities, including Olympic legends Li Xiaopeng, Sir Chris Hoy and Daley Thompson and former England cricket captain Andrew Strauss.

But alongside the buffets, beer and banter an incredible HK$7 million was raised to support charities in Hong Kong, across the region and internationally. Locally beneficiaries supported by the functions hosted by Kowloon, HKU Sandy Bay and Hong Kong Scottish rugby clubs included ImpactHK, Phenomenally Pink, Love21 as well as Rugby for Good who were raising funds to support the Hong Kong Deaf Rugby team’s trip to the World Deaf 7s in Argentina. Elsewhere in Asia youngsters in Sri Lanka, India and the Philippines all benefitted from the generosity of attendees at the Valley Long Lunch, whilst the Ladies Long Lunch raised over HK$1 million for the wonderful work done by the Christina Noble Children’s Foundation. Meanwhile Laureus Sport for Good, the official charity of both the 10s and 7s this year, had a busy week not only raising funds but also awareness of the Model City programme they are spearheading here, using sport as a medium to help tackle our youth mental health crisis.

The biggest single fund raiser was the aptly named “Greatest Rugby Dinner in the World”, where a packed Grand Hyatt ballroom on the Wednesday evening raised over HK$3 million for the My Name’5 Doddie Foundation which is funding research to find a cure for Motor Neurone Disease.

Hong Kong Rugby Union CEO Robbie McRobbie said; “Hong Kongers are an exceptionally generous bunch, and the rugby community in particular are really passionate about community engagement and supporting good causes - on top of our partnership with the Hong Kong Jockey Club which saw 1,500 youngsters from local charities have the opportunity to attend the Sevens free of charge, it makes us all incredibly proud that so many others will have benefited from the Sevens Week events. I salute all those who put in the time and energy to host them, bringing a lot of pleasure to those who attend and much needed support to some great causes.”

Information and Photo source : Hong Kong Rugby Union


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